
What is BioTuning?

Evidence has shown that the breakdown of the body’s ability to handle stress is the ultimate cause of disease.


Bio-Tuning is a patented stress reduction technique that uses specific sounds and advanced monitoring equipment to balance the brain and nervous system. The technology is based on 40+ years of clinical observations and utilizes our own specialized “Real-Time Heart Rate Variability” to measure the balance of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).


However, when stress becomes a constant presence in our lives, the fight-or-flight response is triggered and remains activated.  

The long-term impact of stress on the body, including the persistent exposure to hormones like cortisol, can affect various systems and processes, making you susceptible to a range of health issues.

Allostatic Load

In the medical community, they refer to this measurement of stress as a person’s allostatic load, or the “the wear and tear on the body”, which accumulates as an individual is exposed to repeated or chronic stress.


Our Bio-Tuning Program consists of three levels. Each level corresponds to a different phase of wellcare.

LEVEL 1: Healing

The Healing Phase of Bio-Tuning®is designed to provide a solid foundation for balancing the Physical Body through Delta brainwaves, the Emotional Body through Theta brainwaves, and the Mental Body through Alpha brainwaves. Gamma brainwaves and Default Mode Network also play a crucial role in helping to re-balance the brain, improve cognitive function, and enhance one’s sense of self in time and space. With this comprehensive approach, the Healing Phase is the first step towards restoring harmony to your mind and body.

LEVEL 2: Enhancement

In this level, we entrain your brainwaves to the borderline states. Borderline Brainwaves are specialized states where different frequency ranges overlap, and brainwave entrainment to these areas can enhance certain abilities.

The Enhancement Level of Bio-Tuning® aims to move beyond healing and into the enhancement of these zones, focusing on five borderline states: Beta/Alpha, Alpha/Theta, Theta/Delta, Delta/Epsilon, and Gamma/Beta.

Entrainment to these states can help enhance IQ, creativity, emotional intelligence, mental focus, and expand an understanding about the metaphorical meaning behind physical symptoms.

LEVEL 3: High-Tech Meditation

This is the third level of Bio-Tuning®, high-tech meditation, which includes several brainwave states such as Epsilon 1 & 2, Gamma, Hyper-Gamma, Lambda, Iota 1 & 2, SMR Beta, and the Default Mode Network.

These soundtracks are designed to be listened to with headphones while in a meditative posture, and can be used in daily activities to incorporate the meditative state into regular life. These brainwave states are based on research and experimentation, and aim to explore advanced states of higher meditation.