Transform your life with Sound Healing
We can transform our life with sound. As well as relieving stress and anxiety with targeted sound frequencies. It’s like going to the gym for your brain. Because of the neuroplasticity of the brain, the more time we spend in a brainwave state, the easier it is for our brains to return to that state.
As we listen and experience different Bio-Tuning soundtracks that induce different brain states, we learn to recognize what each state of being feels like.
EVery time you listen to a Bio-Tuning sound track, you are placing your brain in a highly beneficial brainwave state of Gamma, Alpha, Theta or Delta.
Some Benefits of Sound Healing
Increase Mental Clarity
Enhance Meditation
Improve Memory
Improve Sleep
Boost Creativity
Deepen Spirituality
Heighten Intuition
Unlock your brains limitless potential now!
Book a Sound Healing appointment today.

“Those of you that know me understand my obsession with music and sound so naturally I was curious. It was amazing-I was totally awake yet felt like I had a good night sleep IMMEDIATELY after our session. I WANT MORE!!! She also does light therapy for any of you that have read about that. What a treat! I can’t wait to go again. RUN don’t walk!!! Love you Amber Monaghan! That was such an awesome treat it turned my whole week around!
— Surreya H, Santa Cruz
"In 2002 I had the privilege of experiencing Bio-tuning sound healing with Dr Jeffrey Thompson at the Center For Neuroacoustic Research Foundation. My results were so life changing, in 2003 I decided to apprentice with Dr Thompson and get trained to be a Bio-tuning Practitioner so I could help others harness their full potential. Bio-tuning really enhanced my life and helped me re-calibrate daily and that is why I offer it at the Light and Sound Spa 20 years later."
— Amber, Founder of Light and Sound Spa
“I couldn’t sleep well for years and after using the deep delta soundtracks I feel like the sound guided and trained my brain and my body how to sleep deep again! Changed my life!
— Amy W, San Diego